New air measurement stations in Copenhagen


Copenhagen Solutions Lab has previously facilitated a market dialogue that led to a tender of air measurement stations in November 2019. The winner of the offering has now been found.

In the next three years, the City of Copenhagen and the company Force Technology will measure the air quality at a total of five new measuring stations in the city. The locations of the measuring stations have not yet been determined, but they are set up at strategically selected locations in the city.

Too many Copenhagen citizens get sick and die prematurely due to air pollution in the city. This is a problem the politicians in Copenhagen take very seriously. The politicians in Copenhagen have therefore allocated funds in the 2019 budget to a project that will provide knowledge about air quality and the health consequences in Copenhagen. The project has been initiated as a collaboration between The Technical and Environmental Administration and the Health and Care Administration.

As part of the project, a total of five air measurement stations will be set up, which over a three-year period will measure the air's content of pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particles (PM2.5) and ultrafine particles (UFP). Two of the measuring stations are also measured for the substance Black Carbon, which mainly originates from car exhaust and stoves
The five measuring stations are located in areas characterized by heavy traffic and stoves, and are expected to be set up in the fall of 2020. The supplying of measurement stations and data is carried out by the company Force Technology, which won the tender in fierce competition with both Danish and foreign companies

If you are interested in reading more about the tender specifications, you can find it here