Street Lab - Copenhagen's testarea for smart city solutions


Street Lab is Copenhagen’s testarea for smart city solutions in real urban space based on the award-winning world best smart city concept Copenhagen Connecting. It will be a showcase for the newest technologies within smart city and IoT, to demonstrate the potential in these technologies to citizens, decision-makers and companies, and provide a proof of concept for scaling the qualified solutions to larger parts of the city, as well as to other cities in the region, nationally and abroad.

Street Lab is placed in the heart of Copenhagen, by the City Hall Square, H.C. Andersen Boulevard, the most congested inner city street and Vester Voldgade, a more quiet pedestrian street, and is just next door to CPH Solutions Lab.

Street Lab is developed in cooperation with both private and public actors and is aiming at a cross-sectoral approach to create a coherent and integrated setup. Various departments of the City of Copenhagen are involved, so that the professional experts from the departments provide their specialist knowledge in qualifying, selecting and evaluating the solutions to be tested.

Our public-private partnership partners can be seen here

Street Lab is developed in 2016 with the first selected use cases and the network infrastructure, and will be open for testing new solutions over a three-year period until 2018. The use cases that have been selected for testing in the first phase of the project are:

Smart parking, waste management, air quality and noise monitoring, water management, mobility monitoring, city wifi for tourists, data offloading, ssset tracking, services for citizens and tourists.

We would like to see the development of new solutions during the project, and companies are welcome to contact us, if they have solutions to show

Read about our first round of use cases here

For more information contact project leader Rasmus Bertelsen on
