New project “Select for Cities”


Cities of Antwerpen, Copenhagen and Helsinki open an innovation challenge for the European companies: How can the cities reinvent themselves as linked and large-scale “Internet of Everything” labs, with an easy access to developers and innovators to pilot, test and validate their solutions?

Select for Cities has a 5.6 million euro budget for the innovation challenge, which will be divided into 3 competition stages, between December 2015 and November 2018. The innovation challenge competition is funded by the participant cities and the European Commission.

Cities around the world are looking for ways (methods, technology and tools) to foster open innovation in order to solve challenges, create value for their citizens and business, and to become smart cities in the process.

At Copenhagen Solutions Lab, Cecilie is responsible for the project. Get in touch with Cecilie on

What is the Internet of Everything (Internet of Things)?:

“IoT brings formerly inert objects into the dynamic world of information technology. It encompasses a range of technologies, from sensors that monitor environmental conditions to RFID tags that can allow users to interact with objects. In the world of IoT, everything produces data that can be gathered and analyzed. Once-passive objects become dynamic, capable of conducting remote updates and on-the-fly improvements. Fundamentally, IoT means a shift from reactive to proactive systems; from delayed problem management to automatic sense-and-respond capabilities.” (Adler, 08.31.15)


Adler, L. 08.31.15, The Urban Internet of Things: Surveying Innovations Across City Systems. Available from:
