Experts in image recognition and digital weighing technology?


Is your company, research institution or organization experts in image recognition software or digital weighing technology? Then we would like to meet you! Alternatively, should you know someone who is expert on the subject, please share this inquiry with them!

For a project on ‘Smart Waste’ we want to be able to automatically register:

    - What our Copenhagen sweeping machines pick up from the street?
    • How much it weighs?

Therefore, we are looking for expert competencies in respectively:

    - Image recognition software (video is recorded from the suction head of the sweeping machines – can this be analysed to tell us what waste is collected from the streets?)
  1. Digital weighing technology (ideally we would like continuous documentation of the weight of the waste collected by our trucks and sweepers with a timestamp and location)

The experts will be invited to an event on the 15th of September, 2015 at. 9.00 in our facilities at Fæstningens Materialgård, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, DK-1220 Copenhagen K.

At the event we will present the challenge in depth, and present the sweeping machines and other waste management equipment of the City of Copenhagen. The objective of the day is to find potential partners who would like to develop and test new innovative solutions for ‘Smart Waste’ in our /Kl.7..

Are you interested in being contacted and hear more about the event or do you know someone we should contact, please send an email to Christian Mølgaard from /KL.7. on: or call: +45 26 71 36 34.

The project is developed as a collaboration between Center for Driftsudvikling (Teknik og Miljøforvaltningen), /KL.7. and Cph Solutions Lab (contact at CSL, Rikke Gram-Hansen).
